Yoga Therapy for Mental Health

Yoga therapy works with the whole individual. It is only natural that we work with the mental and emotional aspects to help one overcome trauma, depression, PTSD and other such illnesses that keep us from living our best life.

Yoga therapy has been shown to help all these illnesses. When we begin to move and exercise the endorphins are released into our systems. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “endorphins are chemicals (hormones) your body releases when it feels pain or stress. They’re also released during pleasurable activities such as exercise, massage, and eating. Endorphins help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being.

YT takes the holistic approach. We combine the ancient yogic teachings of asanas (physical poses and movement), meditation (dyana) calming the mind, and breathing exercises (pranayama). These practices help with getting you to move – getting those endorphins flowing to boost your mood. You will learn breathing techniques that help you relax and focus and enable you ‘go within’ to learn self-awareness.

You will learn meditation techniques that calm the mind, which assists your mind to release trauma, or experiences that have brought about depression. This helps one to see more clearly, isolate from the perpetual noise, or what we call the ‘monkey mind’. According to Wikipedia the monkey mind is a Buddhist concept that describes a state of restlessness, capriciousness, and lack of control in one’s thoughts.


According to Psychology Today, “The monkey mind is also the part of your brain that becomes easily distracted, so if you want to get anything done in life, your challenge will be to shut down the monkey mind.”

YT can help learn to tame the monkey mind, or learn mindfulness, which is essential because it taps into the messages of your heart and soul, helping one to reach inward. Psychology Today says that being mindful encompasses awareness and interconnectedness between your inside and outside worlds.

Once we have helped you learn meditation techniques, you will be more awake and alert, and more easily discern or allow your intuition to develop. Taming the monkey mind elevates your senses and your sense of self-worth!

At Infinity Healing & Yoga Therapy, we strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for our clients. IHYT wants to partner with you to help you find yourself, your inner strength, and peace of mind, calmness of spirit through a personalized plan to help you with depression, anxiety, stress and other emotional needs, and is a complementary therapy to traditional medical treatment you may undergoing. We want to help you meet the goals that you have in mind for yourself.

*Additionally, it is important to seek professional medical care when, and if you continue to experience persistent symptoms.